Additional Insurance is required for non-members who are not participating in a Girl Scout-sponsored and supervised activity and/or international travel. The insurance is purchased through the council by submitting the Request for Additional Insurance form at least 2 weeks prior to your departure.
Not sure if you need additional insurance?
Additional Insurance Q&A
Q: What is accidental bodily injury?
A: Accidental bodily injury is a physical injury sustained by accident while participating in a Girl Scout activity. Examples include exposures like tick bites and food poisoning, which are covered if the accidental occurrence is reported to Mutual of Omaha as an Activity Accident claim.
Q: Who is covered?
A: Girl Scout members and invited non-member participants who are participating in a Girl Scout-sponsored and supervised activity.
Q: What does it mean to be a non-member participant?
A: A non-member participant is a person invited to participate in a Girl Scout-sponsored and supervised activity.
Note: An invited non-member participant is confirmed when a claim is reported to Mutual of Omaha.
Example #1 – Not Covered
Both troop leaders bring their non-member 9- and 10-year-old sons to a Girl Scout troop meeting. The boys are told to play in the yard while the Girl Scouts have their meeting inside. One of the boys is injured on the lawn. The boys are not injured during a Girl Scout supervised activity, so coverage would be denied.
Example #2 – Covered
Both troop leaders bring their 9- and 10-year-old sons to a Girl Scout troop meeting. There is a plan to incorporate them into the day. The boys are told to play in the yard while the Girl Scouts have their meeting inside, and the boys are included in the adult-to-youth ratio. Someone is specifically asked to provide oversight for the boys while the Girl Scouts have their meeting inside. The plan is for everyone to have a snack together afterwards. One of the boys was injured on the lawn while being supervised. In this scenario, the boys are participating in a Girl Scout supervised activity, and they are actively part of the plans for that day, so this situation is covered.
Q: Do non-members under the age of 19 need to be counted in the adult-to-youth ratio?
A: Yes, if the child is participating in the Girl Scout sponsored and supervised activity they need to be considered when determining the number of registered and approved adults needed.
Q: Can adult non-members be considered when determining the adult-to-youth ratio?
A: No, an adult must be a registered and approved adult.
Q: What defines an activity?
A: An activity is any function that is planned and supervised by Girl Scouts with Girl Scouts in attendance. This can mean a troop meeting, a day activity of any kind, any domestic trip within the USA (no matter how long in duration), and unique events.
Q: Are all trips covered no matter how long they are or how far away they are?
A: Yes. All domestic trips within the U.S. are covered. There is no time duration nor distance criteria for these trips.
Q: Are children under 5 years old covered?
A: Yes, but only if they are in Girl Scout-supervised units (i.e., Girl Scout-supervised childcare units).
Q: Are tagalongs covered?
A: Yes, but only if they are injured while participating in a Girl Scouts-supervised activity.
Q: A large group outing is being planned with some girls attending who are not members yet. Can the “not yet” members participate, and if they are injured during the activity, will they be covered under Basic Plan 1?
A: Yes, they can participate with council approval, and yes, they would be covered under these circumstances because they would be invited to participate in the Girl Scout-sponsored activity.
Q: Are international trips automatically covered?
A: No. International Accident and Sickness coverage must still be purchased separately.